Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (37 - 39 of 196)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#87 xavid worksforme On an autoinstalled trac using git, going to Browse Source can time out and get a 500

This even happens with small git repos with little history. The fact that it's so slow is probably an upstream thing, but we might be able to hack the autoinstaller's fcgi to make timeouts not happen.

#100 ezyang wontfix .txt should be a trusted extension

The primary concern with this is that the behavior of has been to disallow .txt files, so user expectation may be in this direction. Thus, I am curious:

  1. How support requests we have gotten because someone published a txt file and it wasn't visible, and
  1. How many .txt files live in web_scripts in all of our users?

Ticket #92 is related.

#110 geofft fixed the WordPress URL hack breaks pingbacks (and other XMLRPC stuff)

We have a hack that sets "WordPress? URL" to /~user/blog and "Blog URL" to This seems to break pingbacks; if you set "WordPress? URL" to the full URL, and leave "Blog URL" blank so it defaults to the WordPress? URL setting, pingbacks start working.

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