Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#166 geofft fixed git daemon doesn't deal with unknown vhosts well
dr-wily:~ geofft$ git ls-remote git://
fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Can'

Presumably it can't something. I wonder what it can't.

#195 adehnert duplicate Allow connections to the primary from scripts servers

In all likelihood, fixing this would also lead to fixing (or WONTFIXing) #175. #138 is sort of the inverse of this one.

#206 andersk fixed We forgot to keep disabling new PHP extensions
[root@busy-beaver ~]# svn stat /etc/php.d | grep -v '\.rpmnew$'
?       /etc/php.d/fileinfo.ini
?       /etc/php.d/sqlite3.ini
?       /etc/php.d/phar.ini

We should consider disabling these for F15, and add a step to that effect to the install instructions.

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